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Catani Home Tour

Hand painted accent wall

Sometimes you walk into a home and immediately feel something. Walking into the Catani’s apartment is like walking into an upbeat dinner party with a dozen of your favorite people- a big enough crowd to capture real party energy but small enough to have meaningful conversation at the same time.
I (Caroline) sat down with Stephanie in 2019 and we chatted about all things home related and then I was promptly overtaken by 2 new children, a global pandemic, etc. but without further ado… .

Welcome to the beautiful abode of The Catani Family.

How would you describe your style of decorating? Has it changed over time?

Whimsical and playful. Sophisticated. The playfulness has come in since I had my son, Luca— kind of molding to the season of life. Time for wonder and celebration and playfulness and not as many breakable things.

What is your relationship to your belongings?

It has evolved over the years. Pretty much every thing in this room is a gift or something we have acquired. There is a real gratitude for our things. The things around us are a celebration of the goodness of our life right now. After moving 19 times, and because of that, I’ve wanted personal space and authentic representation of self. We’ve lived internationally, with family, etc. and to have a place that we can call our home, even though it’s an apartment, is a really tender place.

What does home mean to you?

Having a place of comfort is such a big deal. I think it means safety. It’s also a reflection of the inner lives. To reference the book The Interior Castle by Teresa of Ávila— it’s the interior coming out. It’s looking at our soul and instead of always building out, it’s also looking at what God is building within. The inside out is always the starting point for building home. We lived with my parents for 10 months before we moved here and had belongings stored in 5 different states. Having it all here now in one place is so anchoring.

When people come into your home, what do you hope they feel?

A sense of wonder. I also want them to come in and have a sense of “otherness” —an invitation to step into something different but fully welcoming. A place to bring your whole self to.

Do you have a style or home philosophy?

I want it to be a place where my son feels comfortable to play but that we can also have a nice dinner. Having the high and low meet. I like to bring in pieces of our story and travel or things that remind me of parts of our journey— apart or together. But I also think it’s important to make room for the less serious parts of life, incorporating a sense of humor into space.

How is your home an extension or reflection of yourself or of your family? Any advice or tips on creating a space that’s personally reflective?

I really think it’s important to think of everyone that lives in the home and really care for each other in designing a home rather than caring more about what other people will think of our home.

For Luca, bright colors and things that spark his imagination. For Matt, music availability and the placement of the record player. I really like to have his input as I decorate. When you live in an apartment it can feel very temporary. To push against that, we’ve done a lot to make this space our own. We’ve put up wallpaper, painted, and added our own flavors to things in an effort to make this space ours.

Do you collect anything?

Champagne glasses - I’m ready for the party at any time!

What is your favorite thing about your home?

My husband and my son. It’s just so good. I’m just so grateful for a place that houses a healthy marriage and family.

What is your favorite or most meaningful item in your home?

Probably my Nona’s Tureen. She asked me years ago what I would want when she passed and that was it. If it’s not that, it’s the painting on the wall in our bedroom. It’s a van Gogh print. Before Matt and I were married, I was in Paris and saw the painting and felt like it was a representation of what a good marriage was— a safe and healthy place. I agreed to a date with him by writing on a notecard with that painting on it. Matt gave me the print as a gift years later.

The Van Gogh Print

Nona’s tureen

How do you personally balance contentedness with your home vs the ever changing, “Pinterest culture” we live in?

I would say it’s hard. What I like to do is look at what is out there and then use what I have to create something similar so that it’s mine. There will always be a next new thing but if you really have a sense of what you love then it will be ageless. I definitely look for inspiration but it doesn’t dictate what I want/have. Sometimes I have to take a break from Pinterest. etc. If your focus is on what’s out there you get distracted… when you look in, you remember that the goal is to celebrate your family and your story, not what’s trendy in the moment.

Thank you Catani’s for inviting us into your home!