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Morning Routines

We’ve been living in strange times, for over a year now. It’s likely taken a toll on your routine & daily disciplines (and that’s ok!). It’s been a lot of “in-between”, a time of not knowing what is next but things are not exactly as they were before. In liminal times we long to get out of the transition, but it’s important to hold this space. To stay and see and notice. In the case of a pandemic, it has happened upon us and we did not choose it. Although voices are calling for a reopening of our normalcy, many of us are just now beginning to make sense of this transition and hope for some routine. We likely are not going to be able to go back to life as it was, at least not for a while. In this liminal space, are you able to put words to what you are noticing and incorporate it into your life? We think a few simple things could help jumpstart that process.

Let’s start by considering our morning routines.

One Line a Day Journal.

Morning routines have become our mantra to start the day; whether it's getting some extra zZz's or waking up to workout, we all have our own routines and ways to jump start our days. There is so much out of our control in each day, but we can control how we begin each day. If you are looking for a new way to start your day, we've rounded up a few easy to maintain ideas to get you started!

1. Set an alarm to go to bed and an alarm to wake up - Our bodies have their very own clocks. A great way to learn how much sleep you need is to start listening to that body clock. When setting a time to go to bed, you are also able to see how much sleep you will get that night! It's a great way to wake up, knowing you got your full 6-8 hours of sleep the night before. Amazon customers rave about this Wake Up Light Sunrise alarm clock.

2. Make your bed - This simple task gets you out of bed and gives you the feeling of accomplishment first thing in the morning! 

3. Hydrate - Yes, coffee... but first, a glass of water (add some lemon for those refreshing antioxidants). We have to admit, having a cute water bottle does help encourage you to drink more water! Drinking water first thing helps flush out toxins and starts your metabolism.

4. Take time for yourself - Chances are, your day is already full from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Allowing yourself some time alone in the morning can help set your mood and intention for the day ahead. Some things you can do in the time are: read, journal (if writing & reflecting doesn’t come easy for you - try the One Line a Day journal), exercise (Peloton offers an incredible variety of online classes), sip your coffee, walk your pup, or even tidy your space.

5. Include the weekends - Creating a habit takes time. In fact, it takes 21 days to create a new habit. Continuing your morning routine through the weekends will help you maintain your new rhythm and you'll still be able to find time for yourself. 

*Some of the links in this post are Amazon affiliate links, meaning when you click the link to purchase a product on this page, HYD receives a commission for sharing this with you without any additional cost to you.

Morning Routine starter kit

Do you already have a morning routine you follow?
We would love to know how you start your day!