Our Beautiful Clients

As HYD closes the books on our second year of organizing, staging, event planning, collaborating, volunteering, home touring, learning, listening, and laughing a lot, we can think of no other word than "gratitude" for what we get to do each day.

2015 has given us so many wonderful opportunities to walk alongside folks who have had a variety of dwelling needs. We have lots of "before & after" photos of their homes (many that we need to publish so you can see what amazing spaces we got to create with them) but it always comes back to the people. The stories, the victories, the calls, the cards, emails, & follow-up photos from our clients are what make us really love our job.

The longer we've done this, the more we've come to realize how intimate what we do can be. Allowing us to walk into the chaos your home may be in is not easy. Our clients are brave, humble, & hopeful & we are so thankful to now call many of them friends. We understand that those "before" pictures we take are not taken lightly. A lot of life has come before the disorder. Thankfully, there's a lot of life to come after as well.

As we think through the list of HYD's clients, we've gotten to work with men and women in just about all seasons of life:

  • parents with school-age kids who need a command center/home office and system to keep things running smoothly

  • empty-nesters who are ready to think about downsizing and purging

  • homeowners ready to park vehicles in their garage after years of the garage being full

  • widows & widowers who need someone to walk through the purging, packing, and transitioning to another home or life in their current home without their loved one

  • moms with babies and preschoolers who need help making order of all the accessories that come along with little ones so they can focus more time on kids instead of clutter

  • small business owners who pour their hearts and souls into their businesses but have little time to make their home what they desire & desperately need as a quiet, ordered respite

  • artists with a passion for what they create but a mental block when it comes to setting up their artistic space

  • new homeowners who want to start organized so they can stay that way

  • office managers/workers who want their offices to be organized, efficient, & places where they're inspired to do their best work

The list goes on and we look forward to seeing the awesome people and opportunities 2016 holds for HYD. Be on the lookout for new package deals, organizing & staging workshops, and lots more!

Happy New Year from HYD!