capsule wardrobe

Fall Capsule Wardrobe (With a Twist)

Well it's officially getting cool enough to pull out some long sleeves. I won't lie, I've enjoyed the lingering warm weather but I'm really excited about sweaters and boots.

My summer capsule worked really well for me. My mornings are so much simpler and I don't spend nearly as much time getting ready. I did notice that there were a handful of things that I really didn't wear more than once or twice and that I want more variety in my next capsule.

A new idea I'm trying out this time is having two capsules: A work capsule and a weekend/not working capsule (focusing on nicer items). Towards the end of the summer I noticed that a lot of my clothing was looking worn out and realized I don't have many articles of clothing that are a step up from the everyday. I'm hoping that having these two separate capsules will motivate me to wear the grungier stuff for working (because organizing and helping people move tends to wear on clothes) and invest in some nicer options for nights and weekends. This could also work if you have a career that requires a nicer dress code. I think having the two separate capsules makes it easier for me to by pass the items that don't make since for the activity. I keep mine in separate places for the convenience. My work clothes are stored in drawers and my nicer clothes are hung up (sans sweaters that just do better folded)

Mid clothing tornado

Mid clothing tornado

Excuse this extremely unflattering picture of me but it had to be included. This is proof that I do understand what it's like for all of you amazing clients who give up things that you have sentimental attachments to but just don't make sense anymor…

Excuse this extremely unflattering picture of me but it had to be included. This is proof that I do understand what it's like for all of you amazing clients who give up things that you have sentimental attachments to but just don't make sense anymore. I've had this plaid shirt since high school. It doesn't button. It hasn't buttoned for 5years. I let it go this week. It was hard but I'm not regretting it.

I pulled out all my cool weather clothing from storage and tried on everything earlier this week. The quick try on eliminated about 15 items. Onto the hard part; narrowing down the things that I still like and wear. Again, it always helps to have a second opinion so I called in my trusty business partner. With Taryn's help I was able to narrow down even further and came up with 40 items. (The technical number is supposed to be 37 but I'm extending grace for myself-I'm also not including work wear in this number) I also know that there are a number of items that I would like to replace but don't want to get rid of until I have replacements. My mindset going into the fall is that if I purchase items, I have to trade them out for items in my current capsule. If you need incentive to purge, we are hosting a pretty amazing Fall/Winter Clothing Boutique and you will want to make room I assure you!

I know my closet's not pretty, but this is real life people. You work with what you've got :)

I know my closet's not pretty, but this is real life people. You work with what you've got :)

Sweaters and knit shirts

Sweaters and knit shirts

Sidenote: When I packed up my summer items to store I filled only one large tub instead of the two I filled last year. This is great news because we have fairly limited storage at our house.

Below is a run down on what I kept...

Fall Capsule Nights and Weekends: 40 items

3 sweaters, 14 shirts, 1 vest, 2 pairs of corduroys, 1 pair of black pants, 5 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of booties, 3 pairs of boots, and 8 pairs of other shoes. (Self diagnosed shoe addict over here)

Fall Capsule Working wear: 16 items

2 pairs of Jeans, I pair of black jeggings (I'm kind of embarrassed that I have these but they are so comfortable), 9 shirts, 2 sweaters, and 2 pairs of shoes (that look terrible but I still love to wear them)

Have any of you tried out capsule wardrobing? What do you think? If not, what's holding you back? I'm super curious to know if some people just don't like the concept or if it seems daunting etc.


Real Life Capsule Wardrobe

Before: Disregard the top half of the closet in both pictures. It belongs to my honey and he isn't quite sold on the idea of a capsule wardrobe.

Before: Disregard the top half of the closet in both pictures. It belongs to my honey and he isn't quite sold on the idea of a capsule wardrobe.



Yall.....things got really real over here last week.

Let me begin by saying that I probably purge more than 80% of the population and thought a capsule wardrobe would be a cinch for me. It was wayyyy harder than I imagined.

Through the process I realized several things.

1. It's somewhat easy to purge your own closet of things that you don't like anymore, never liked and kept out of guilt, or things that are (let's face it) NEVER GOING TO FIT again. I did this kind of purging before I brought out the big guns.

2. An extra set of eyes is super helpful. I called in reinforcements and tried on almost every article of clothing I had (an embarrassing number) and said "fire away" to two amazing humans who said "please don't wear that in public" or "you should definitely keep that" to each item I tried on.

3. I realized that I was keeping several things that I loved and wore almost the entire summer (4 years ago) and just hadn't stopped to realize that I don't love anymore.

4. I filled up 3 laundry baskets of clothing/shoes to get rid of or sell and don't regret any of it. I was honestly shocked that was able to let them go so easily after I had a second party agree they were past their prime or unflattering.

5. I might have a shoe and shirt problem. You guys... it's bad.

Here are a few pictures during the process. My room was totally clean pre-capsule making and this is what it looked like after about 30 minutes. YIKES!

The hardest part was the final narrowing down to the smallest amount of clothing I could manage --we are talking a total number of 40 items including pants, shorts, skirts, dresses (not fancy ones--just everyday ones), shoes, and shirts. NOT EASY YALL!

My capsule broken down contains 5 pairs of pants, 2 shorts, 3 skirts, 1 dress, 2 vests, 19 shirts, and 8 pairs of shoes.

The only purchases I made were two pairs of shoes for my summer capsule. Both from Target. I've been wanting a pair of more stylish tennis shoes to wear for the summer and I spotted these and couldn't resist.

I'm only a few days in but I'm totally sold already! My mornings are drastically less chaotic because I have so much less to weed through. I love how open my closet feels now. I even went out and treated myself to some new wooden hangers.

We would love to hear from you! Would you ever try doing a capsule wardrobe for a season? Have you done it before? We want to hear about it!



Capsule Wardrobe: A Help You Dwell Challenge

I'm taking the plunge and I'm inviting you to join me.

If you aren't familiar with the concept of a capsule wardrobe, essentially, it is a simplified wardrobe of versatile pieces that you love wearing. In other words, for each season, you pick a certain number of items and wear only those. For the Summer season, I will be picking 37 items (including tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, and shoes) and donating, or packing away the rest.

I have a closet and a dresser full of clothes that don't often get worn. I gravitate towards a handful of clothes that are my favorites. I love clothes but I hate my tendency to try on 85 different outfits only to go back to those favorite pieces that make me feel awesome. In an effort to practice what I preach when it comes to an organized and decluttered life style, I am committing to a capsule wardrobe plan for my summer.

One of my 2 closets currently

One of my 2 closets currently

Why am I doing this?

1. I want to buy less but buy better quality.

2. I want my mornings to be more simplified

3. I'm interested to see whether I get bored wearing the same items in various combinations or whether it's freeing to have less to choose from.

4.My closet space is limited and not designed well. I want to be able to see clearly what I have and currently I have too many clothes for my space.

So, over the course of the next week I"ll be narrowing down my wardrobe and will report back in 2 weeks to let you know what items I chose for my Summer Capsule and how it's all going.

For more information about what a capsule wardrobe is, check out this description. Want to know how to build one? Here is a guide.