We don't believe in following the rules when it comes to decorating, but there are a few do's & don't that can help transform your home into something you truly love. Below are a few tips & tricks to help you get started!

Grab your favorite art piece and accessories and curate a space that's your own! If you are needing help filling in the pieces don't forget to check out The Spring Flea happening this weekend at The Hive!

Still having trouble taking your space to the next level? Our Interior Designer will be hosting a workshop on April 29th to help you create a beautiful + functional space. 
REGISTER here today!

The Art of Design: creating beautiful + functional spaces

Workshop: Presentation to get to know the designer, plus tricks & trips on how to create beautiful + functional space. This is also the perfect time for any questions you may have for the design services HYD provides & your to-do list.

To-Do: Upon registering you will be given a questionnaire to help the designer with your wants + needs for the space. You will also need to provide photos of your space. (these can be sent via email.)

Take-away: Once the workshop is done, you will provide your questionnaire sheets and photos to the designer. She will then get busy creating a layout + comments and recommendations to help you achieve your goals for the space provided.