six changes you can make to feel less stressed

Have you ever come home from a stressful day of work and needed to escape? Maybe you already stay home and need a space to feel at ease. We've got six changes you can make within your home to help you de-stress. 

1. Add Plants: 

Decorating with plants not only adds life and freshness into your home, but by bringing nature inside, you will instantly feel a since of calmness. For Air-Filtering plants, be sure to check out this post!

2. Let More Natural Light In

By opening up your curtains, you are letting more Vitamin D into your home. Vitamin D aids in a stronger immune system and is proven to make you happier. Cozy, warm rooms can be calming, but when you need a 'pick-me up',  be sure to let some light flood in.

3. Add in Calming Colors

Colors such as blue, violet, pink, and green are known to help calm your mind. Whether you choose to paint your walls a calming color, or simply add in art or accessories, these colors are sure to sooth your mind and create a since of calmness within your home.

4. Create an area of Peace

From answering e-mails after hours to checking off a to-do list, your mind is constantly running. To create an area of peace, pick at least one place inside your home that you set aside for only non work related activities. Your brain needs a space where work isn't done so it knows to shut down and relax. 

5. Get Rid of Clutter

Easier said than done! Luckily, you have HYD to help you with this task. Getting rid of physical clutter also rids your mind of clutter. Taking time to put things away and clearing your space will help put your mind at ease and make your home feel more put together. 

6. Put away the Electronics

Scrolling through social media may ease your mind for a short time, but it is also known for making you feel more anxious and depressed. Give your eyes a rest by mediating, tending to your home and/or garden, going for a walk, or taking a bath. The list is endless if you'll only put your phone away, shut the TV off, and explore what's beyond your doorway.