Good, Better & Best Rug Placement

There is really no wrong way to incorporate a rug into your space. It is truly up to the you & what fits your lifestyle and look.  But, if you need a little help getting started, one of HYD's former team members put together this quick guide and some helpful tips. So don't worry, we've got you and your floor... covered.

Photo by Light & Dwell.

Photo by Light & Dwell.


When it comes to laying rugs in the living room, a great rule of thumb is to always have the two front legs of your furniture on the rug. This keeps the furniture grouped together and gives the overall space a more balanced feel.

Living Room - Don't, Better, Best.png


In the dining room, all four legs of the chairs should fit on the rug. This makes scooting in and out of your chair more feasible. 

Dining Room - Don't & Best.png


Think of when you first wake up in the morning and what you what your feet to hit first. We recommend a rug first!

Bedroom Rug - Good, Better, Best.png

Apartment Therapy shared an article on going rug-less here. What are your thoughts? Could you go without one? If you’re in the market for a new rug, we suggest taking a look at Southeastern Salvage and RugsUSA for some great bargains. For eye candy & inspiration, check out The Vintage Rug Shop. Of course, some of the best vintage rugs can be found at estate sales and antique markets.