
Seasonal Clothing Switch Done Right

Warmer days are upon us here in East Tennessee and it’s time to break out the sundresses and tank tops! For many of us, this may mean a shift in our dresser drawers or closets. As with any transition in our lives, this is a great opportunity to take the extra time to ensure you store the clothing that feels good and fits, serves your current season of life, and you actually like it.

What to keep and what goes?

Here are some tips from one of our favorite resources, The Spruce, for how to make the decisions about what stays and what goes.

Once you’ve made the decisions on what to keep and what someone else can now enjoy, it’s time to decide how to store the keepers and how to share items that no longer serve you.

How to Store Seasonal Clothing

  1. Clean all seasonal clothing before packing.

  2. Use the right storage. HYD recommends a weather-proof bin such as this labeled “Off-Season Clothes” so that you store one bin of clothing per member of your household.

  3. Hang the proper items. HYD recommends hanging dress coats, winter dresses, and slacks or skirts properly with a breathable garment bag to reduce the risk of mold or mildew. Add a cedar block or sachet to deter visitors. Make sure to fold knit items and sweaters into a box to prevent stretching them on a hanger.

How to Share Unwanted Clothing

  1. Sell gently used clothing in a consignment sale.
    Here are some local options here in Knoxville:

    Statemint Consignment
    Planet Xchange
    Taylored by Maria
    Repeat Boutique
    Clothes Mentor

  2. Donate professional clothing to Smokey’s Closet at UTK or Dress for Success.

  3. Give clothing to local rummage sale. Check with churches, women’s shelters, or children’s groups to see who may be having a sale soon.

  4. Contact local homeless shelters directly. Call first to ask what items they are taking and how best to pack them so your donation is helpful and can go directly to those in need.

  5. Give away hand-me-downs to neighbors, friends, or family members. It’s fun to see your kids’ clothes or a dress that never fit you well on others who love it.

Want a closet you love in a flash?

Let the experts at Help You Dwell work alongside you to expedite the process so that you can spend these lovely days doing the things you love, not stuck in a closet!
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