pantry inspiration

When you're in a space that makes you feel happier, you tend to feel a little more inspired...and maybe even a little more motivated. Let's talk about a tidy pantry. I don't know about you, but when each kitchen utensil, appliance, and food item is in it's rightful place, it motivates me to not only eat healthier but to spend more time in the kitchen! 

Today we are sharing a few ordered pantry images to inspire a happier pantry.

Switching your stock pantry items into glass jars is a great way to display your food. The task may seem daunting, but once the chore is complete your pantry will instantly feel fresh and your food can easily be located in just a glance. 

Another great way to freshen up your pantry is to store items such as onions and potatoes in decorative baskets or accessible bins. Also, try putting your fruit in wire or mesh containers. 

Grab a trash bag, a few air tight containers and start creating a happier pantry! Who knows, you may be so inspired that you'll also organize your refrigerator!


Stay tuned, our Interior Designer is upgrading her pantry. More to come soon! 

organizing your smart phone photos

If your storage is limited...

Google Photos - This is a great option if you have a gmail account. It allows all of your photos and videos to be stored in the cloud with unlimited storage (up to 16 mp an 1080p HD). When connected to wifi, all you have to do is open the app to begin syncing up all of your recent photos to the cloud. Then, you are able to delete all photos off of your device to free up internal storage, yet you still have access via the Google Photos app. Another great feature is the ability to categorize photos into albums that you can share with others. One fun feature is the ability to search for what photo you are looking for by keyword. Learn more about how to use Google Photos here

Here are a few other options for creating organized photo storage on your phone.

If you have lots of storage available...

Your iPhone Photos app might be doing more for you than you realize. The Photos app has multiple default albums it creates for you, like: all photos, videos, favorites, selfies, screenshots, people, places, etc. You can also manually create albums and select which photos are included. The editing feature in Photos has also improved. More tips here

Taking your memories from your phone to your home...

Image via Artifact Uprising. 

Image via Artifact Uprising

Websites like Shutterfly and Snapfish often offer discounts and promotions for printed photo products. Artifact Uprising features high quality clean line designs for your photos. 

ultimate summer organizing playlist

There is something magical about the way music can ease a difficulty, bring enjoyment to a challenge and just make you feel good! We've compiled a little "summer organizing jams" playlist to share with you. It's a hodge-podge mix of some good tunes. Take a listen! 

What are some of your favorite genres, artists or playlists to listen to while working on a home project?

Happy listening! 

money saving tips


Everyone loves saving a little money here and there, right? Check out our Money Saving Tips so you can start saving today!

Bottled Water: Spoiler alert: there is really NO difference between filtered tap water and bottled water. If you do prefer bottled water, buy a reusable glass bottle and refill it with filtered water! Bonus: less waste!

Mani/Pedis: Invite the girls over and do them yourselves.

Hair Treatment: Talk to your hairdresser about simpler ways to maintain your hair color or ask for partial coloring vs. full coloring. 

Cleaning Supplies: Dusting spray, Glass cleaner, Shower cleaner, Counter-top cleaner, Door knob cleaner. They are all essentially the same thing. Create your own cleaner with vinegar and water - vinegar cleans everything!  For wood, add a solution of water, olive oil and lemon essential oil. The olive oil seals the wood and the lemon essential oil still gives you that fresh smell. Bonus: These DIY's create non-toxic cleaning supplies!

Car-Wash: Even if you have to bribe your kids into vacuuming the car, cleaning your car at home is an easy money saver. 

Laundry: Switch your fabric softener out for reusable Woolen Dryer Balls

Landscaping: Mow your own lawn, plant your own flowers, rake your own leaves.

Individually Packaged Food: Buy in bulk! To create an easy-to-go snack, package your food into individual Tupperware that you already have on hand! You are literally paying for stuff you throw away when you buy individually packaged things! (ex: applesauce packages vs. buying a big container of applesauce that can be packaged in reusable containers)

Disposable Kitchen-Ware: Reuse, reuse, reuse. Use your actual ceramic dish ware and simply clean them and reused. Also be mindful of paper towels, plastic bags, and plastic baggies. There are other alternative options available that can be used time and time again.

inspiration vs. envy

image via Apartment Therapy. 

image via Apartment Therapy

One of the joys of our current techie age is that we have the ability to always be connected. The ideas, images, and inspiration at our fingertips is endless and boundless. This can be incredibly inspiring and also dangerous. Pinterest, Instagram accounts, and countless blogs have us drooling and dreaming of all the beautiful images we scroll through. 

As professional organizers, we spend a lot of our time in clients homes. We get to see the style, design, and taste of each unique client. We've been blown away by traditional southern charm, mid-mod eclectic decor, and everything in between. Your home is a collection of the things you love, memories made, and pieces you need for function and practicality. 

image via Design Sponge. 

image via Design Sponge

We're going to let you in on a little secret.... we struggle with the strong temptation to envy others homes, to compare our things, and to wish for something other than our own. 

It is such a balance to enjoy beautiful inspiration while also loving the state of our own homes as they are right now. It's fun to dream up new decor ideas, color schemes and arrangements of furniture. We've come to find, follow and love a handful of incredible interior design and home decor businesses online. 

Here's your warning; before clicking any of the links below... be prepared. Don't get sucked in! Your real life house, street and neighbors are the real deal - they are better than any staged and styled image. Remember we are real people, with real stories, and real budgets and real limitations. If your home doesn't look like an Anthropologie magazine - it's ok & join the club.




image via Schoolhouse Electric. 

However, we do love these sites. They are packed full of images of creative combinations of styles and tastes. Most rooms and homes that give us all the heart-eyes have a few components that we can recreate in our spaces. Look for patterns you like, colors that inspire you, shapes of furniture that fit your taste, room layouts that would be suitable for your space, and details that you can bring to life on your own. 

Happy browsing! Here's a little tip: set a timer on your phone for a reasonable amount of time to spend looking through images and blog posts, so you don't miss out on the real life happening around you. 

Planning a Summer vacation

Image by Hope Stanley

Image by Hope Stanley

Summer is officially here! Over at HYD we try to think of ways to help you stay organized not only in your homes, but also in making plans!

Our quick guide to planning your summer vacation is just a simple way to stay on top of things while you're enjoying the warm weather.

Step 1: The details

Image by lacqueredworld

Image by lacqueredworld

Image by paperscribbles

Image by paperscribbles

Plan ahead, pick your dates and ask off work.

Figure out a budget and then decide what kind of vacation you would like to take. Looking for an adventure? Maybe you want to explore a city you've never been to or maybe you'd like to do some back packing or head to the beach.

Once you've decided on what kind of vacation you would like to take, think through who you would like to go with. Is it a family trip? A trip with friends? Maybe you want a nice getaway with your significant other. Make sure you are on the same page about budget, location, and agenda with all parties involved. While your idea of a vacation may be mostly relaxing, some people love to pack lots of activities in.

When figuring out where you will stay, we recommend checking out air bnb or vrbo which can often save you more money than staying at a hotel depending on where you are going. They are an international company! It can be really nice to have a full kitchen if you don't want to have to pay to eat out for every meal. Do some research on neighborhoods in the place you are visiting. Think about whether you want beach front, walkability to restaurants and activities, kid friendly spaces etc.

Step 2: Planning your schedule

Image by Texture Photo

Image by Texture Photo

Big Sur

Big Sur

Cafe No Se Image by frybydesign

Cafe No Se Image by frybydesign

Depending on the nature of your vacation, you may want to plan a lot of it out, or you may like to be more spontaneous and plan very little.  If you are going to the beach, your days may be spent mostly on the ocean or laying in the sun. However, if you are exploring a new city, you will have to plan ahead.

Where to eat: One of our tried and true tips on restaurant hunting (bear with us.. this might sound ridiculous but it honestly never disappoints) is to google "hipster guide to {whatever city you are visiting}". Those hipsters sure know how to eat is all I'm saying. Often times, the search results will come up with restaurants, interesting shops, and local tips on neighborhoods to check out and how to utilize public transportation. If you plan to eat in and have access to a kitchen, try researching local farmers markets and small locally owned grocery stores to have a more authentic experience of living in town.

Activities: This will largely depend on who is on this vacation with you. Many cities have free events in the summer time like concerts in the park, first Friday art crawls, or discounted museum days. Looking at local event calendars is a great way to see what's happening around town while you are there. Think about taking a cooking class (especially if you are somewhere overseas) or a swing dancing lesson. For kids, many art and science museums have great children's corners. You could also check out local parks or ask around about a swimming hole or public fountain that allows play.

Step 3: Packing

Image by InsideWanderer

Image by InsideWanderer

Print all necessary paper work for travel and stay. Make sure you have access to online tickets as well. It's always a good idea to let someone back home know your itinerary, how to reach you, and who to call in an emergency. 

Suitcase: Make sure to check the weather as close to when you will be there as possible and remember to look into night time temperatures as well as many places have major temperature drops once the sun goes down. We recommend packing around a certain color scheme so that it's easier to mix and match outfits to cut down on the volume of clothing that you lug around. If you focus on basics and items that can be dressed up or down, it's easy to pack jewelry and accessories to change the feel of an outfit. Make sure to pack shoes that are comfortable!

Carry on: BOOKS! If you are a reader, bring a kindle or other reading device so that you don't have to cart around a library :). Journal and a pen (I never regret jotting down daily memories from my travels). Lotion, chapstick, a few healthy snacks (to avoid exorbitant airport prices), earbuds, phone charger, laptop (or not), and ear plugs are essentials.

Step 4: Enjoy!

P.S. If a summer vacay doesn't fit into your schedule or budget, consider a stay-cation one weekend and get out and do things around your own city that you normally wouldn't. Sometimes a stay-cation is just what the Dr. ordered :)



summer survival tips

School's out for summer...The kids across Knox County are cheering for full days of play and fun, while parents have a new duty of planning summer activities and being prepared for whatever the fun days might hold! Here are a few ideas to help you be extra prepared: 

Image via Yummy Mummy Club blog.

Image via Yummy Mummy Club blog.

  • In the car...

You never know what you (or your various passengers) might need. This pop up organizer has a place for everything. Consider keeping the following items on hand: paper towels, bandaids, umbrella, trash bag, activity books, bungee cords, sunscreen, nonperishable snack, and a beach towel. 

  • In the garage...

Coming home from trips, pool days or picnics - the garage sometimes becomes the landing place for these items. Having a trash can and recycle bin will help with efficiently clearing out the trash before taking bags into the house. Keeping Clorox wipes near by to wipe out coolers after being used, will keep them from getting nasty over time. Make it a priority to always wash the wet bathing suits & towels from a trip immediately. Rinsing off any items with sand or dirt on them will save you from future mess! 

Image via Market Square Farmer's Market instagram.

Image via Market Square Farmer's Market instagram.

  • In the kitchen...

It seems like everyone is snacking more than ever in the summer. After a successful trip to the Farmer's Market, fill up a bowl with your fruit for anyone to grab on the go. Granola bars, PB&J, hummus, nuts are great snacks to grab on the run. If you have kids, designate areas for their snacks and drinks, separate from what you are using to cook meals to avoid confusion or clutter. Having paper products for an impromptu picnic will allow you to spontaneously decide to take your meal outdoors, and provides a quick and easy clean up. 


everyone meet allie, our newest teammate!


I am so excited to be working with Help You Dwell. I am an organizer at heart and have been exploring the world of perfecting, rearranging, and reordering for years, so what other job could suit me more? I began dabbling in professional organizing this year when I started my company Settled Spaces. I couldn’t believe that this was an actual possibility for a job. I'm glad to now share my love with the team at HYD. 

Being young and out of college, I am glad that organizing has given me the ability to combine a profession with a lifestyle. I’m happy to begin my career life working in an environment that engages my strengths and pushes me to grow in them. Helping others experience harmony in their lives is the most joyful part of organizing to me. 

Okay, a little bit about me: I love dancing and I love seeing movies IN theaters.

Allie & her family at her wedding. 

Allie & her family at her wedding. 

Someone once asked a group of us, “What is your favorite place in the whole world?” People said their grandparent’s house, the ocean, or the mountains. My favorite place in the world? The dance floor. I don't know of any other place where I feel so alive and full of joy, fully in the present moment, loving life, and so happy. Seriously! As for movies, I was totally conditioned by my parents to love them when I was young, since they would often go see movies back to back and my mom would arrive an hour early “to get good seats”. 

My need for perfection and order can sometimes be my greatest fault. However, as it goes, it’s also one of my greatest strengths. It’s something that has always been within me. I was a gymnast, so we were literally scored from the perfect 10.0 and received deductions for moves that weren’t perfect: a wobble, a bent leg, a wrong step, a fall. Also, when I was young, like the other HYD ladies, I would consistently be changing the floor plan of my room, the system for my dresser and getting rid of the junk that was under my bathroom sink. Basically, perfection is in my DNA. 

Allie and her husband Taylor. 

Allie and her husband Taylor. 

Again, SO thrilled to be working with this company and thankful for all that they stand for : ) 

six changes you can make to feel less stressed

Have you ever come home from a stressful day of work and needed to escape? Maybe you already stay home and need a space to feel at ease. We've got six changes you can make within your home to help you de-stress. 

1. Add Plants: 

Decorating with plants not only adds life and freshness into your home, but by bringing nature inside, you will instantly feel a since of calmness. For Air-Filtering plants, be sure to check out this post!

2. Let More Natural Light In

By opening up your curtains, you are letting more Vitamin D into your home. Vitamin D aids in a stronger immune system and is proven to make you happier. Cozy, warm rooms can be calming, but when you need a 'pick-me up',  be sure to let some light flood in.

3. Add in Calming Colors

Colors such as blue, violet, pink, and green are known to help calm your mind. Whether you choose to paint your walls a calming color, or simply add in art or accessories, these colors are sure to sooth your mind and create a since of calmness within your home.

4. Create an area of Peace

From answering e-mails after hours to checking off a to-do list, your mind is constantly running. To create an area of peace, pick at least one place inside your home that you set aside for only non work related activities. Your brain needs a space where work isn't done so it knows to shut down and relax. 

5. Get Rid of Clutter

Easier said than done! Luckily, you have HYD to help you with this task. Getting rid of physical clutter also rids your mind of clutter. Taking time to put things away and clearing your space will help put your mind at ease and make your home feel more put together. 

6. Put away the Electronics

Scrolling through social media may ease your mind for a short time, but it is also known for making you feel more anxious and depressed. Give your eyes a rest by mediating, tending to your home and/or garden, going for a walk, or taking a bath. The list is endless if you'll only put your phone away, shut the TV off, and explore what's beyond your doorway.


A historic home tour

Our latest home tour is full of history and heritage. We had the privilege of touring the lovely home of Megan and Caesar Stair in Old North Knoxville last week. The Stair's moved in, in 2010 and have wasted no time making it home and bringing it to life in new ways.

The home design is by famous architect George Barber and was built in 1898. It's original owner; W.T. Lang, was the foreman at Brookside Mills a textile mill that was one of Knoxville's largest employers in the early 1900's.  The home was christened "Pinecrest" when it was built and the name block still remains in the yard. The guest house behind the home was added later and was originally built to house the 100+ cats that belonged to Mrs. Lang who ran a cat orphanage of sorts. The home was at one point split into 4 apartments but has now been lovingly restored back to it's original use--a family home.


In February of 2010 with snow covering the grounds, the Stairs had their first walk through and immediately fell in love. Megan says she was drawn in by the beautiful woodwork, character, and the hallway/landing in the upstairs which she immediately pictured her family making use of. Another thing Megan loves about the home is how the kitchen and tv room are tucked away towards the back of the house. While the front of the home is very open and conducive to large gatherings, it's nice to have the more functional/every day use spaces tucked in their own corners.


One of my favorite things that Megan said during the home tour was that each house has it's own style and when you move into a home, you have to be intentional about "honoring the house". Megan has done a great job of blending both antique and modern pieces throughout her home in a way that feels seamless but eclectic at the same time. When I asked Megan about her style of decorating she shared that a lot of her furniture pieces have been passed down from family members or are items that have been brought back from travels. She has several really neat pieces from Morocco.

That wallpaper!!! all the heart eyes

That wallpaper!!! all the heart eyes

These beautiful built in's covered the master bathroom and closet.

These beautiful built in's covered the master bathroom and closet.

Megan's favorite kind of decor is art. The house is full of paintings, sculptures, mixed media and sketches. When I asked if she had a favorite piece of art she pointed out a piece by her brother, local artist Ryan Blair . (pictured below) She has several of his paintings and mixed media displayed but this one is her current favorite.

Megan's favorite piece of art. Mixed media by Ryan Blair

Megan's favorite piece of art. Mixed media by Ryan Blair

The Stair's recently renovated the kitchen and did an incredible job! The kitchen is Megans favorite room and she noted that she spends a lot of her time there. The kitchen is a great example of how Megan has blended modern,updated looks with the age and style of the home itself.

I asked Megan what "home" means to her and her response was simple- "a place where I can be comfortable". Her hope is that others feel the same way when they come into her home. Megan's home is a really great representation of so many people that she loves, from her brothers art to furniture that other family members have made, to projects that Megan has taken on herself, the Stair home is truly a work of love and one that has turned out beautifully!

One of the things that we (at HYD) get asked often is "How do you go about decorating a home?" Megan had some great advice to speak to that. Megan's philosophy is that she has to love an item to purchase it. When it comes to art, she looks for things that move her deeply. She thinks creatively and saves up to invest in pieces of furniture that are quality and will stand the test of time. There are seasons of life where you use what you have, you make things on your own, you gladly accept hand me downs and then over time you figure out what you love and replace the things that were place holders for the time being. Megan is a big proponent for finding your own style and while sometimes you need the help of a designer, at the end of the day she recommends settling with what feels most natural to your own taste.

Thank you Megan for opening up your beautiful home and sharing your style tips with us!

cord control

We all have cords we use every daily. These essential pieces of technology can get lost in the bottom of our bags, tangled together, or lost very easily. Think through the various cords you might need on any given day: headphones, phone charger, computer charger, and many more. If we aren't careful about how we store our cords - they can get the best of us, cause frustration and take unnecessary time to deal with. 

Solution: Cord Tacos. 

These hand made leather "cord tacos" have been the best fix for my cord disorganization. The two sizes are helpful for the different cords we need to keep with us. Not to mention, they are so pretty! 

Joyner Avenue was at the Retropolitan Craft Fair last weekend along with other makers and artists. They have a passion for their goods and make beautiful and functional products in Asheville, NC. 

Check them out! 

View more products by Joyner Avenue. 

View more products by Joyner Avenue


mother's day gift guide

Mother's Day is coming up. We've thought through some ideas of how you can treat your mom this year. Our hope is to encourage you to give gifts of meaning and purpose, that really add value to mama's life. We hope an idea below will be perfect for the mother(s) in your life! 

something pretty.

something practical.

something personal. 

something to pamper and empower her.

  • glowing body yoga studio class pass 
  • Wild Lavendar Spa facial treatment
  • Help You Dwell gift card of 3 hour value, to be used as she desires! We can help rearrange a challenging space, organize a closet, design and hang a gallery wall, bring order to the pantry, set up a new room, and so much more. Possibilities are endless and mom will enjoy our organizing services in a way that is unique to her needs. Give the gift that will free her up, instead of add more clutter to her life! Contact us with any questions regarding this special. 

Treat your mama to something special this Mother's Day! 

*Blog Image from Terrain

donations 101

Once you've purged, it's helpful to know which organizations locally need which specific items. It's empowering to know your donation is going to a purposeful cause and is serving your local community. We've put together this resource of where to donate specific items!

Household Items-
KARM: drop off and pick up available
Ladies of Charity
Angelic Ministries

Antiques, vintage furniture & historic building materials-
Salvage Shop

Clothing & accessories-
bare.Thred: Exciting things ahead... Be on the lookout for information regarding donations on June 1. They repurpose clothes and aim to reduce clothing waste in Knoxville! 


Medical Equipment- 
East Tennessee Technology Access Center

Friends of the Knox County Library

Arts & Craft Supplies-
The Basement Community Arts Studio

The Lions Club
Volunteer Ministry Center

Construction & Building Material-
Habitat for Humanity

Please share other specific donation spots in Knoxville that you know of! 

*Blog Image from Native Maps


We don't believe in following the rules when it comes to decorating, but there are a few do's & don't that can help transform your home into something you truly love. Below are a few tips & tricks to help you get started!

Grab your favorite art piece and accessories and curate a space that's your own! If you are needing help filling in the pieces don't forget to check out The Spring Flea happening this weekend at The Hive!

Still having trouble taking your space to the next level? Our Interior Designer will be hosting a workshop on April 29th to help you create a beautiful + functional space. 
REGISTER here today!

The Art of Design: creating beautiful + functional spaces

Workshop: Presentation to get to know the designer, plus tricks & trips on how to create beautiful + functional space. This is also the perfect time for any questions you may have for the design services HYD provides & your to-do list.

To-Do: Upon registering you will be given a questionnaire to help the designer with your wants + needs for the space. You will also need to provide photos of your space. (these can be sent via email.)

Take-away: Once the workshop is done, you will provide your questionnaire sheets and photos to the designer. She will then get busy creating a layout + comments and recommendations to help you achieve your goals for the space provided.


so you've purged, now what?

One of the biggest questions we get from our clients is what to do with the items they are ready to part with. We separate items into two main categories: donate & sell. Here's some helpful information regarding where & how to sell different items. In two weeks, we'll share resources for where & how to donate your items. We're currently gearing up for our Spring Flea at the Hive next weekend, April 21-22 and wanted to invite you to come shop vintage home decor and furniture! 


Consigning Household Items- 
Consign to Design: Furniture and home decor in excellent condition
Backroads Market: Old, new, used and transformed farmhouse style furniture and home decor
Mid-Mod Collective: Mid Century Modern, Danish Modern, Industrial, Vintage Clothing, and Quality Books and Vinyl
The Flea: Pop up consignment held twice a year, selling home decor and furniture

Consigning Clothes & Accessories-
Clothes Mentor: gently used women's clothes size 0-26, petite and maternity
Repeat Boutique: women's designer clothes, shoes and handbags
Statemint Consignment: twice a year pop up clothing consignment for adults 

Selling Books & Music-
McKay's: gently used albums, books, instruments, movies, video games, gaming systems, board games, comics and more



Household Items-
Craigslist: convenient to sell without the hassle of shipping
Local Facebook groups: easy to post and expedite communication with buyers
Letgo app: quick and streamline process for selling unwanted items in your area

Clothing & accessories-
Poshmark: online clothing sales made easy
 eBay: world wide marketplace, can sell almost anything here

spring has sprung

The cherry blossoms, dogwoods and azaleas are blooming. The grass is greener and the air is warmer. As our climate has decided to hit the REFRESH button, it's time to do so in our homes as well. 

Our Help You Dwell team has been busy at work these past few months. We wanted to fill you in and invite you to join us for some of the fun!

Image via Emily Jeffords. 

Image via Emily Jeffords


We've worked hard to come up with some exciting tips we've been sharing daily on WVLT First at Four with the lovely Brittany Tarwater, each day this week. Tune in today and tomorrow if you can! We've posted some tips to declutter on our Resources page - check it out

Another exciting way we're inviting you to join us as we REFRESH our homes this spring is by entering our giveaway we have going on- this week only! Enter to win our "Spring Refresh" giveaway on our Instagram page. We've collaborated to come up with an incredible value from local businesses. Nest Knoxville, You Own the Look and HYD have curated products and services that will be a great start for your spring refresh at home. 

Join us for First Friday at Nest, tomorrow - April 7. Natalie, owner of Nest has invited Help You Dwell into her beautifully decorated and furnished storefront. Location: 108 S. Gay Street. Come & enjoy a glass of wine with us, we'd love to meet you! This fun and relaxed environment is a great time to bring your questions and get to know us. We can't wait.

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in the first workshop in our series called "The Art of Design" with Cassandra, our interior designer. More details here. Registration is open! 

One more exciting thing we wanted to share with you: a new womens resale store, Clothes Mentor Turkey Creek has their Grand Opening today! 

Get connected with Clothes Mentor. 

Get connected with Clothes Mentor. 


ease the pain of organizing

No matter how overwhelming or dreadful the organizing project ahead of you might be, there are ways to make it less painful. We've put our ideas and actual experiences together and this is what we came up with. 

Background Music

There is something magical about your favorite playlist pumping that will empower you to do even more than you thought you could. Instrumental music is great for the jobs that take extra brain power, like reading and sorting through files. Jobs that require a little more heavy lifting and rearranging lend themselves well to your favorite sing in the shower songs. As your muscles are firing up and working hard, a power ballad or sing along helps ease the pain - you can just belt it out, as long as your neighbors like your voice. Music really can be the extra fuel to get your organizing project handled. We've experienced it first hand & it's really fun (even if you don't know all the words). Try some of our favorites: Productive Morning playlist, Amos Lee radio, Bishop Briggs playlist

Fresh Air

Image from fresh farmhouse blog. 

Image from fresh farmhouse blog

Whenever possible, open the windows (weather and allergy permitting). There is something soothing about fresh outside air flowing through your space. If you can't open the windows, pulling up blinds and opening curtains does wonders as well. This spring, try it out - while organizing or doing household chores, bust open a window and soak in that vitamin D and breezy air.  Especially in a room that feels dark, dated or overwhelming... a little air can be so life-giving. Hearing the birds chip, leaves rustling or bikers passing by remind you that you are not alone stuck in the space you are working on. 

Enlist a Teammate 

Invite a friend over. Twice the muscle and (wo)man power to get the job done! You and a friend probably both have an organizing project in your home you just don't want to tackle alone, so partner with each other! You need the kind of friend who understands what is important to you but who also isn't afraid to lay down the hammer and help you PURGE. The kind of friend who will notice if you are starting to hold onto excess and useless things, and gently remind you that you are only going to feel lighter if you let go. A friend can also laugh with you at the hilarious and embarrassing memories or items discovered. It does wonders to a friendship, to vulnerably share your mess and work through it together! 


Set a timer for 1 hour on your phone when you begin your project. This will be a good pause time to get up, leave the room/project and grab a snack or water. Don't get too stuck in all of the stuff! 5-10 minute break times can be very helpful. Just make sure you commit returning to the project until it's done. 

Treat Yourself! 

Cheers! Image from @Anthropologie. 

Cheers! Image from @Anthropologie

Incentivizing a task is a great way to keep you empowered throughout the drag of the job. Instead of rewarding yourself with more "stuff" or material possessions - think of a treat you'd enjoy that is an experience. Here's a few ideas to celebrate a job well done: pedicure,, wine night with friends, fancy date night out, renting that movie you've wanted to see, or planning a family vacation. Invite kids to participate in this too - if they commit and tackle an organizing job in their room, reward them with a sleepover or trip to the trampoline park! 

We would love to hear your suggestions and ideas on how to keep organizing fun. Happy organizing, friends! 

5 reasons you should hire an Interior Designer

Hello friends, it's Cassandra, Help You Dwells Interior Designer.  Do you ever read 'Interior Designer' and instantly think you can't afford one?  Maybe you're not quite sure what an Interior Designer can do for you. I'm here to lay it all out for you + give you the opportunity to know more about my services first hand! 

5 Reasons you should hire an Interior Designer: 

1. Professional Assessment: “A designer can give you a professional assessment of your situation, that will then lead to a solid plan of action. The order of things in a design plan is key in determining what can be re-purposed or should be edited. This will not only effect the budget but help you to spend it more efficiently.” - FreshHome

2. Save you Money: Yes, save you money. A designer may have an upfront fee for their services but their experience & knowledge can save you money along the way. Have you ever purchased a sofa from a warehouse, only to bring it home to find out it doesn't fit? Maybe you've painted your whole house only to realize that you don't love it. A designer will have already done the up front work of making your space just right. They can help you avoid costly mistakes & help you add true value to your home.

3. Budget + Planning: As stated above, Designers already do the up front work, including selecting items in your budget and planning for the right pieces. This is can also save you time, which saves you money! Designers know all the sources that fit any budget and do all the research so you don't have to. 

4. Liaison: If you are working with a contractor and/or an architect, having a designer readily available is key to a successful project. Designers know how to read architectural plans that you may struggle with. They are also great at finding ways to add value to your space that you may have not thought of otherwise.

5. WOW Factor: When you walk into a space that is well done, you can usually find a designer that was behind it. Designers are creative, they think outside the box; it's what they do all day long. They are knowledgeable and have an eye to really make a space special.

"Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants and are aesthetically attractive. Designs are created in response to and coordinated with the building shell and acknowledge the physical location and social context of the project. Designs must adhere to code and regulatory requirements, and encourage the principles of environmental sustainability. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space that fulfills the project goals." -NCIDQ

Still not convinced that a trained Interior Designer is worth the money? Now is your time to find out! Help You Dwell is hosting a workshop at The Hive, Saturday April 29th.

REGISTER today for an opportunity to
create a space in need of design services.

Workshop: Presentation to get to know the designer, plus tricks & trips on how to create beautiful + functional space. This is also the perfect time for any questions you may have for the design services HYD provides & your to-do list.

To-Do: Upon registering you will be given a questionnaire to help the designer with your wants + needs for the space. You will also need to provide photos of your space. (these can be sent via email.)

Take-away: Once the workshop is done, you will provide your questionnaire sheets and photos to the designer. She will then get busy creating a layout + comments and recommendations to help you achieve your goals for the space provided.

*Please note only one space in your home per customer (this can include anything from a closet to a living room that needs special attention) Also, the workshop is limited to 12 persons due to the amount of work the designer will give each individual. Your follow-up may take up to 2 months. 

Need a reliable handy man & then some?


Even for those of us that may be handy around the house or have a spouse who is, some jobs we just don't have time for or may only know enough to be dangerous.

For all those jobs, we're so thankful for Anawim Spaces! Our long time friend and go to fixer-upper for many HYD clients, Bobby Whisman has been a reliable resource for us in our own homes as well as many clients through the years. His company takes great pride in offering services in three main categories: Home Renovations, Custom Fine Woodworking, and Handy Man Services.

Custom Treehouse

Custom Treehouse


We wanted to share a bit about his services with you in case you're thinking of remodeling, needing a custom piece of furniture, or maybe your kiddos have been hoping for that treehouse that you've just not gotten around to building. Bobby and his crew can make these things happen! 

Springtime is a great time to tackle some of these projects. 




HYD has used Anawim several times as clients are preparing their homes for the real estate market. Whether it's installing new light fixtures, updating a bathroom, or repairing an outdoor deck, Bobby and the team at Anawim can eliminate many of the obstacles potential homebuyers might see and get your home sold much more quickly.

To see more of Anawim's work, follow him on Instagram at @anawim_spaces or on Facebook.

Bobby's vision to "create spaces for community, family, and purposeful living" mirrors the core values here at Help You Dwell. We hope you'll give him a chance to help you in your space.

Anawim Spaces


How To Clean Out Your Closet, Make Money, & Love Your Style

You spend hours scrolling through Pinterest collecting styles you long to wear. You shop online, at the mall, and at thrift stores. You go to your closet and feel like nothing you own truly speaks to who you are, the person you envision yourself as.

You know you want more out of your wardrobe but you already feel like what you have is too much; too overwhelming. If you’re honest, it’s a hot mess.

I get that. I really do. This describes me. And it describes most women of our generation. We have too much and yet never feel like we’re dressing for the real us.

Some scary statistics about our clothing habits.

The average woman:

  • Throws away 65 pounds of garments per year.

  • Has over $500 of unworn clothing and 300 clothing items in her wardrobe.

  • Spends 4 hours a month deciding what to wear.

And although we have increased the number of garments we buy since 2012, we are actually spending the same amount of money overall. Anytime you want to diagnose a problem you look at the symptoms.

What all this tells me is that we’re buying and buying, yet we’re not really fulfilled or satisfied with what we have.

How do you solve this problem?

You have to get serious about your style and clothing and clean out your closet!

Do want to love your style, spend less time worrying about what to wear, minimize your life, and make money at the same time?

It may sound too good to be true, but doing all this is totally possible if you can clean out your closet the right way.

How do I know this? I spent 4 years working in a consignment shop where I helped women hone their style everyday. Overtime, I became an expert at knowing innately what worked and what didn’t for each unique woman. Many of my styling clients would later hire me to come into their homes and closets so that I could help them style what they already owned and get rid of the things that no longer served them.

Cleaning out your closet doesn’t have to be a pain. I promise! Before we talk about how to get started, I wanted to let you know I compiled all my experience cleaning out closets in one helpful place. Want to check out my insights? Download my free PDF guide to “Cleaning Out Your Closet”.

The easiest way to clean out your closet is to hire someone to save you time and do it for you. But if want to spend a little extra time, you and a friend can do this and be closer to the wardrobe of your dreams.

If you’re ready to dig deep and let go of all this crap that’s been holding you back, stressing you out, robbing your joy, and weighing you down then read on.

Step One - Preparation

Grab a friend or family member. Pick a staging area and schedule some time to do this. You’ll need some plastic garbage bags.

Step Two - Purge

Pull everything you own out of your closet and dressers and start to identify which pieces really fit your style, which do not, and which are hidden gems that you’ve been overlooking. It helps to have a stylist or friend present to give feedback and encouragement.

Make 3 piles:

  1. Keep

  2. Donate

  3. Consign

As you go through each item, decide which pile it belongs in. Once you have all your piles, put the Donate and Consignment items into garbage bags.

Step Three - Organize

Now that you’ve gone through each item you’re ready to start organizing. Make sure all your clothing is arranged by category, color, material type, length, and sleeve length and that all the hangers are facing in the same direction. I go into this in extreme detail in my 3 Step Guide which you can grab here for free.

Wrapping it all up! Time to sell and make cash.

That’s it! You’ve done it. Congratulations. The hard part is over! I hope you feel so much better.

At this point you can take the garbage bags to their respective charities and consignment shops. The reason I recommend actual brick and mortar consignment shops at this point is because I want the clothing out of your house.

Now that you have a clean slate to work from you can start to use other methods like Poshmark, ThredUp, and Etsy.

If you’re local to Knoxville then you know that StateMint is coming up. Now would be an ideal time to clean out your closet and make cash. You can still sign up. I know I’ll be there selling my extra items too.

Author bio

Brianna is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Stylist, and author of Simple Is The Cure. She helps stressed out creatives simplify life and health so that they can achieve their dreams and change the world. She and her firefighter husband along with their dog Beau live in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Thanks Brianna for your wonderful guest post this week! The gals at Help You Dwell highly recommend her Ebook Simple Is The Cure!