Elfa Closet System to the Rescue!

Does your home suffer the curse of small closets? We are here to tell you that hope is not lost!

Cramped spaces make it harder to access and see what we have and keep it organized. With closets, this can be an even bigger mess because if we can’t access it, that also means it’s harder to put clothes away, which leads to us living out of the laundry basket. But there is a solution out there!

As always, we love a good product that is worth the investment, and Elfa Closets are one of those life-changing products.


Recently, we worked with a client who moved into a one bedroom apartment that only had one, relatively small, walk-in closet. The client was worried about how to access and display her clothes in both a functional and visually appealing way— and would it all fit in the small closet?

We recommended the Elfa System and she decided to give it a try.

Elfa Closet Systems are made to be designed to your needs. You can purchase items individually, or you can design a closet based on your space.

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What we love most- is that it’s SUPER user friendly. On their website, click on the “Design Center” tab. This will open up with the start of your closet remodel journey. After putting in a few measurements, and asking a few questions, Elfa will generate a suggested closet model that you can then customize based on your needs.

Do you have more shoes? Add some shoe shelves. Not a lot of shoes, but have plenty to hang? Add an extra row of hanging bars. The design is sleek and customizable in colors too!

Now you might be thinking— that sounds great, but it’s probably hard to install and requires some hard labor.

That’s the absolute best part of this set up— it’s super simple to install and set up! Here’s how it works:

order your customized closet,

it ships to you with everything you need ( with the exception of a drill, and level.)

When you open the boxes, there are instructions with each wall labeled A, B, C, D.

Install the anchor rail

Following the instructions for each wall, install the anchor rail across the length of each wall. Congratulations, the hardest part is over!

hang the vertical anchor bars

Once the anchor rail is in place the vertical bars just wedge into place on the bar can slide to their needed positions on the wall. After that, it’s just a matter of hooking the shelves into the vertical anchor bars, and following the design you created.

Once it’s completed, you have an amazingly accessible closet installed and ready for you to hang your clothes, and shelve your shoes. AND if you ever decide you want to change it up, you can! If you decide you wanted your shoes on the other side of the closet, you can move them! Want to shift everything over, you can!

The client we were working with was beyond pleased with how her new closet turned out, and was amazed that everything fit, it wasn’t cramped, and it looked visually appealing too.

While this system is an investment, it makes life so much easier and keeps us from living out of the laundry basket.

Want to get started planning your dream closet? Click here to get started.